Oliver Cromwell Connection

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Tracing our Ancestry to Oliver Cromwell in the 17th Century.

I was told by my mother Kathleen Mason (Collins) that we were related to Henry Ireton, Oliver Cromwell’s son in law, Brian Collins.

  • Henry Ireton was a close friend of Oliver Cromwell and one of 59 commissioners who signed the death warrant of King Charles I in 1649.  Henry married Oliver Cromwell’s eldest daughter Bridget.
  • Oliver Cromwell. Was proclaimed “Lord Protector” of the “Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland” after the execution of King Charles 1 in 1653.
  • The English Civil War. Was fought between the “Roundheads” lead by Oliver Cromwell and the royalist “Cavaliers”.  The monarchy was restored with the coronation of King Charles II in 1660. By that time both Cromwell and Ireton had died.

Could we be related to Oliver Cromwell?

  • A list of descendants of Henry Ireton does not contain the surnames Stephenson or Mason
  • However the list does not extend beyond about 1800 so more research might discover a link.

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